Ten most recent changes (RSS):

Category Crochet
Switched dead link to archived version, removed non-archived dead link. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Blanket
Added needle size. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Blanket [new]
New blanket. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Coat - The Sequel
Now a blanket. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths
Attempt 2! (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths
Added more info on the floorcloths. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths [new]
New project! (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Sizes. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Why did this have the crochet category? I have no idea. (Kake)

This is the wiki for the London.crafts mailing list/sewing circle. The administrator of this wiki is Kake. Please feel free to add useful links and notes to this wiki.

The first meeting of our circle will be on Sunday 10 August at Kake's house in Fulham. Mail kake@earth.li for address details if you don't already have them.

Things we're working on or have made