Historical version 28 of Mail Order Suppliers (view current version)


  • http://www.yarnforward.com/uk/ - yarns, knitting needles, crochet hooks, patterns, books. Shipping is £12 regardless of order size. Based in Canada but ships to the UK.
  • http://www.texere.co.uk/ - Interesting selection of unusual yarn plus some fabrics and other items. Beware though - I ordered from them, they charged my debit card, sent me the wrong thing, and then refused to arrange for it to be collected for exchange. I haven't been refunded either.
  • http://www.kangaroo.uk.com/ - Lots of the most gorgeous yarns - Noro, Rowan, Jaegar, and (most dangerously) lots of Colinette. Delivered in two days.
  • http://www.cucumberpatch.com/ - only Rowan and Debbie Bliss so far. Prices look cheap but this is because they don't include VAT for some reason.
  • http://www.ethknits.co.uk/ - Fairly wide range of yarns including most of what is available at John Lewis. "We can supply any current Sirdar, Rowan, Jaeger, Patons, Wendy, Debbie Bliss, Hayfield, Wendy and Stylecraft Knitting Yarn and Knitting Pattern and DMC, Anchor and Twilleys Crochet Cotton and Crochet Pattern." I haven't ordered from them but I may in future.

Rubber Stamp Suppliers

  • http://www.bladerubberstamps.co.uk/ - shop near the British Museum. Stock Fabrico ink for fabric printing, the clearsnap range and a wide range of rubber stamps. Will happily order you anything from the lines they carry.
  • http://www.sirstampalot.com/ - Really broad selection of stamp stuff. I bought my rollagraph from them but I can't see it on their website.

  • http://www.craftsceen.co.uk - This lot were selling off their stock at the craft show, but apparently still do mailorder stuff. I got my waterbrushes from here.


Other Stuff

  • http://www.craftdepot.co.uk/ - I've only ordered rexlace from them; their catalogue costs £4, but some products are available without the catalogue.
  • http://www.hindleys.com/ - All sorts of tools and supplies. No knitting, sewing, etc. stuff but things for polymer clay, jewellery, metalwork, woodwork, and so on. Decent prices (target market is school CDT/art departments)
This is version 28 (as of 2004-01-04 02:01:07). View current version. List all versions.