Kake's Big Purple Sofa Throw
Basically just a rectangle. I got 7m of a nice sturdy purple fabric from John Lewis, cut it in half and sewed the halves together along the long sides to make a 3.5m wide throw. I used a flat felled seam in the middle, and hemmed the sides by making a 1/8" hem, then folding it over and stitching it again on the 4/8" line. It looks very nice and the seam/hems are lovely and neat. Not bad for my first serious sewing project. I did leave the selvedges unhemmed, since they won't be visible anyway and even if they were they're kind of nice.
Photo coming at some point maybe.
Completed 29 September 2006.
Last edited 2007-06-06 13:11:48
(version 5;
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