Marna's Projects
I have made a huge blanket. About 3x2 metres and stripy multicolour different yarn-ish goodness all over. I had to stop knitting it because it got too big to knit at *all* easily. I will put a picture up when I get my paws on a digital; camera that behaves itself.
Now I'm making another blanket for Sarah, but I think I need to think more carefully about the colours that I'm putting in, because it's looking like it might become too random at the moment. I have a collection of yarn destined for it, though.
I made the sheep a sweater for Christmas - made up out of my *head*! Well, it's raglan so was not very hard to make up. I need to finish making it up, though.
I'm making a replacement hoody for me, to replace my favourite knitted hoody. It's dark grey with white stripes and I'm sorta measuring it as I go against the original. I'm using [Jaeger Extra Fine Merino]?. I've bought some dark purple [Debbie Bliss Wool Cotton]? for a second one, because I'm far too optimistic.
I'm also working on a tight ribbed polo-neck for my little sister, but I'm making it up *again* because I can't find the right pattern for it.
I do beading - have done beading for years - so I have random beaing projects dotted about the house or (sometimes) my person. I did some silversmithing for a bit at college, and would *love* to do more, but it requires space. All sorts of other things too.