Historical version 1 of Fingerless Gloves (view current version)
Man, if I had a mobile phone with a camera, I would so show you a picture. As it is, I don't, therefore you'll just have to believe I made them. This is what I posted to the mailing list.
I also knitted a pair of fingerless GLOVES last night. One hand is grebt, the other hand is well, less grebt. I got tired and just hacked it together in the end, with diminshing returns. And I'm convinced garter stitch looks best either in really big stitches or really weeny ones, mid-way ones not so hot. I mention this because I did the first glove (good one) on 3mms, then realised the pattern actually said 4mms, so changed to the bigger needle for the second. Although it meant less knitting I kinda wish I hadn't there.
Pattern was from Sally Melville's The Knit Stitch, a mittens recipe. However, you know, one is a modern girl, one has needs, like scrabbling for their travelcard as the bus comes, unlocking doors, paying people too much money for one sodding bagel (I must have been INSANE it wasn't even that GOOD) ect, which one cannae do in GLOVES never mind mittens. So instead of decreasing and sewing up the top, I just bound off. And one, at least, looks brilliant.