London.crafts wiki - Differences between Version 23 and Version 8 of Kake's Sirdar Wow Jumper For Doop

Version 23 Version 8
== Line 6 ==
Have sort of lost interest in this a bit because I hate the yarn. Also not sure where it is.

== Line 51 == == Line 49 ==
Use the [[provisional cast-on]].
Use the [[provisional cast on]].
== Line 216 == == Line 214 ==
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
== Line 219 == == Line 217 ==
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2<br />
== Line 236 == == Line 234 ==
K2, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
== Line 253 == == Line 251 ==
<th valign="top"><b>Row 25:</b></th>
<th valign="top"><b>Row 22:</b></th>
== Line 255 == == Line 253 ==
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1
== Line 262 ==
<th valign="top"><b>Row 26:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, RSinc,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, RSinc,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 27:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 7 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 5 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 28:</b></th>
P1,BCR, (P2, BCR) 3 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, BCR) 7 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 8 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 6 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, BCR) 5 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 29:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 9 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 30:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 9 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 31:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 7 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 9 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 8 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 5 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 32:</b></th>
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 4 times, RSinc,<br />
BCR, (P2, BCR) 7 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, BCR) 9 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, BCR) 8 times, RSinc,<br />
BCR, (P2, BCR) 5 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 33:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 10 times, RSslip,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 5 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 34:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, RSinc,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 10 times, RSinc,<br />
K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 5 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 35:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 9 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 10 times, P1, RSslip,<br />
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 8 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 6 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 36:</b></th>
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 4 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, BCR) 9 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 10 times, P1, RSinc,<br />
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 8 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, BCR) 6 times, P1
<th valign="top"><b>Row 37:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 9 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 11 times, P2, RSslip,<br />
(P2, K2) 9 times, P2, K1, RSslip,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 6 times, P1<br />
<th valign="top"><b>Row 38:</b></th>
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 9 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 11 times, P2, RSinc,<br />
(P2, K2) 9 times, P2, K1, RSinc,<br />
K1, (P2, K2) 6 times, P1
== Line 399 ==
category='Jumpers,Kake's Stalled Projects,Knitting'
== Line 268 == == Line 268 ==
formatter='' fax=''
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doop is very fussy about his clothes. Very very very fussy. However he has graciously allowed me to knit him a jumper.

I'm using black Sirdar Wow because he likes chenillyness but he also likes throwing his jumpers in the washer and tumbler. This stuff is velvety soft but 100% polyester.

I'm basing it on the top-down raglan pattern but because the Wow gauge is so huge I had to change the neck a bit to make it fit over a head. I also wrote out the pattern in detail because I'm using baby cable rib and I wanted the cables to line up.

The pattern

Creative Commons License
This knitting pattern is copyright 2004 Kate L Pugh and is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Use 6mm needles. Size: one size fits doop (36cm collar).

Casting on

Use the provisional cast on.

  • Cast on 1.
  • Place marker A.
  • Cast on 1.
  • Place marker B.
  • Cast on 5.
  • Place marker B.
  • Cast on 12.
  • Place marker B.
  • Cast on 5.
  • Place marker B.
  • Cast on 1.
  • Place marker A.
  • Cast on 1.

Special abbreviations

RSinc = K2 in next st, slip marker B, K2 in next st RSslip = K1, slip marker B, K1 WSslip = P1, slip marker B, P1 BCR = K2tog leaving st on left needle, K 1st st again, slip both st off slmA = slip marker A

Body knitted from neck down

Row 1 (WS):  K1, slmA, WSsl                                                     

K1, P2, WSsl,                                                      
P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, WSsl,                                          
P2, K1, WSsl,                                                      
slmA, K1                                                           

Row 2 (RS): P1, slmA, RSinc,

P1, K2, RSinc,                                                     
K2, P2, K2, P2, K2, RSinc,                                         
K2, P1, RSinc,                                                     
slmA, P1                                                           

Row 3 (WS): K1, slmA, K1, WSsl,

K2, P2, K1, WSsl,                                                  
K1, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, K1, WSsl,
K1, P2, K2, WSsl,                                                  
K1, slmA, K1                                                       

Row 4 (RS): K1P1 in 1st st, slmA, P1, RSinc,

P2, BCR, P1, RSinc,                                                
P1, BCR, P2, BCR, P2, BCR, P1, RSinc,                              
P1, BCR, P2, RSinc,                                                
P1, slmA, P1K1 in last st                                          

Row 5 (WS): P1, K1, slmA, K1, P1, WSsl,

P1, K2, P2, K2, WSsl,                                              
(K2, P2) 3 times, K2, WSsl,                                        
K2, P2, K2, P1, WSsl,                                              
P1, K1, slmA, K1, P1                                               

Row 6 (RS): K1, P1, slmA, P1, K1, RSinc,

K1, P2, K2, P2, RSinc,                                             
(P2, K2) 3 times, P2, RSinc,                                       
P2, K2, P2, K1, RSinc,                                             
K1, P1, slmA, P1, K1                                               

Row 7 (WS): P1, K1, slmA, K1, P2, WSsl,

P2, K2, P2, K2, P1, WSsl,                                          
P1, (K2, P2) 3 times, K2, P1, WSsl,                                
P1, (K2, P2) 2 times, WSsl,                                        
P2, K1, slmA, K1, P1                                               

Row 8 (RS): K2 in 1st st, P1, slmA, P1, K2, RSinc,

K2, P2, BCR, P2, K1, RSinc,                                        
K1, (P2, BCR) 3 times, P2, K1, RSinc,                              
K1, P2, BCR, P2, K2, RSinc,                                        
K2, P1, slmA, P1, K2 in last st                                    

Row 9 (WS): P2, K1, slmA, K1, P2, K1, WSsl,

K1, P2, (K2, P2) 2 times, WSsl                                     
P2, (K2, P2) 4 times, WSsl,                                        
P2, (K2, P2) 2 times, K1, WSsl,                                    
K1, P2, K1, slmA, K1, P2                                           

Row 10 (RS): K2, P1, slmA, P1, K2, P1, RSinc,

P1, K2, (P2, K2) 2 times, RSinc,                                 
K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, RSinc,                                       
K2, (P2, K2) 2 times, P1, RSinc,                                   
P1, K2, P1, slmA, P1, K2                                           

Row 11 (WS): P2, K1, slmA, K1, P2, K2, WSsl,

(K2, P2) 3 times, K1, WSsl,                                        
K1, P2, (K2, P2) 4 times, K1, WSsl,                                
K1, P2, (K2, P2) 2 times, K2, WSsl,                                
K2, P2, K1, slmA, K1, P2                                           

Row 12 (RS): P1K1 in 1st st, K1, P1, slmA, P1, BCR, P2, RSinc,

(P2, BCR) 3 times, P1, RSinc,                                      
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 4 times, P1, RSinc,                             
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 2 times, P2, RSinc,                             
P2, BCR, P1, slmA, P1, K1, K1P1 in last st                         

Cast on 4 st and join in circle. All rows are now right-side rows.

Row 13 (RS): P1, K2, P1, discard marker A, P1, K2, P2, K1, [K1, slmB, K1],

K1, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, [K1, slmB, K1],                          
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, [K1, slmB, K1],                              
(P2, K2) 3 times, P2, K1, [K1, slmB, K1],                          
K1, P2, K2, P1, discard marker A, P1, K2, P1,                      
(on new stitches:) P1, K2, P1                                      

Row 14 (RS): P1, K2, P2, K2, P2, K1, RSinc,

K1, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, RSinc,                                   
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSinc,                                       
(P2, K2) 3 times, P2, K1, RSinc,                                   
K1, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1                                           

Row 15 (RS): P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, RSslip,

K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P2, K1, RSslip,                              
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSslip,                              
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, RSslip,                                      
K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1     

Row 16: P1, BCR, P2, BCR, P2, K2, RSinc,
K2, (P2, BCR) 3 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, BCR) 5 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, BCR) 3 times, P2, K2, RSinc,
K2, (P2, BCR) 3 times, P1
Row 17: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P1, RSslip,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, RSslip,
K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, RSslip,
K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1, RSslip,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1
Row 18: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P1, RSinc,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, RSinc,
K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, RSinc,
K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1, RSinc,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, P1
Row 19: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P2, RSslip,
(P2, K2) 5 times, P1, RSslip,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, P1, RSslip,
P1, K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2, RSslip,
(P2, K2) 4 times, P1
Row 20: P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) twice, P2, RSinc,
(P2, BCR) 5 times, P1, RSinc,
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 6 times, P1, RSinc,
P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 4 times, P2, RSinc,
(P2, BCR) 4 times, P1
Row 21: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P2, K1, RSslip,
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSslip,
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSslip,
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSslip,
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P2
Row 22: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSinc,
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSinc,
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1
Row 23: P1, K2, (P2, K2) 3 times, RSslip,
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSslip,
K1, (P2, K2) 7 times, P2, K1, RSslip,
K1, (P2, K2) 6 times, RSslip,
K2, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1
Row 24: P1, BCR, (P2, BCR) 3 times, RSinc,
BCR, (P2, BCR) 5 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, BCR) 7 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, BCR) 6 times, RSinc,
BCR, (P2, BCR) 4 times, P1
Row 22: P1, K2, (P2, K2) twice, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, K2) 5 times, P2, RSinc,
(P2, K2) 7 times, P2, RSinc,
(P2, K2) 5 times, P2, K1, RSinc,
K1, (P2, K2) 4 times, P1

See Also: Kake's Projects

List all versions