Ten most recent changes (RSS):

Category Crochet
Switched dead link to archived version, removed non-archived dead link. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Blanket
Added needle size. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Blanket [new]
New blanket. (Kake)
Kake's Noro Coat - The Sequel
Now a blanket. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths
Attempt 2! (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths
Added more info on the floorcloths. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Cloths [new]
New project! (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Sizes. (Kake)
Kake's Cotton Slippers
Why did this have the crochet category? I have no idea. (Kake)

Apologies for outages over the weekend, a colo move and a bizare gentoo emerge were to blame, things should be stable now - Greg. n.b. please be removing this note by midweek.

This is the wiki for the London.crafts mailing list/sewing circle. The administrator of this wiki is Kake. Please feel free to add useful links and notes to this wiki.

Organisey stuff: Next Meeting / Secret Santa 2003 / Charity Knitting / Other Similar Groups / How to use the Wiki

Things we're working on or have made